Month: February 2007

Changing the subpartition template and pre-existing partitions

My colleague Tank could not insert some records into a subpartitioned table the other day as he kept getting an ORA-14400 error and couldn’t work out why – nor could I straight away until he mentioned the possibility that the subpartition template had changed on the table…which it had.

Lets try and work through the problem…first lets create some test tables…

DROP TABLE j4134_test1 PURGE
CREATE TABLE j4134_test1
col1  NUMBER        NOT NULL
,col2  NUMBER        NOT NULL
,col3  VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL
DROP TABLE j4134_test2 PURGE
CREATE TABLE j4134_test2 (
col1  NUMBER        NOT NULL
,col2  NUMBER        NOT NULL
,col3  VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL

OK, that’s everything set up…now lets just have a look at what partitions and subpartitions we have:

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> SELECT partition_name
2  ,      subpartition_name
3  FROM   user_tab_subpartitions
4  WHERE  table_name='J4134_TEST1'
5  /

Partition            Sub Part
Name                 Name
-------------------- ------------
P1                   P1_S1
P1                   P1_S2
P1                   P1_S3
P2                   P2_S1
P2                   P2_S2
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P3                   P3_S1
P3                   P3_S2
P3                   P3_S3
P4                   P4_S1
P4                   P4_S2
P4                   P4_S3
P5                   P5_S1
P5                   P5_S2

14 rows selected.

Notice that Partition P5 has only two subpartitions whilst the other partitions all have three subpartitions.

Now lets do a couple of tests…

First lets try and replicate the original problem…

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> SET ECHO ON
ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> INSERT INTO j4134_test1(col1,col2,col3)
2  VALUES(3500,3,'TEST')
3  /

1 row created.

This worked – because the subpartition template used for the Partition P4 where the COL1 value 3500 would be inserted, included a subpartition for COL2 with values of 3 – no problem.

Lets try again…

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> INSERT INTO j4134_test1(col1,col2,col3)
2  VALUES(4500,3,'TEST')
3  /
INSERT INTO j4134_test1(col1,col2,col3)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

Aha – now it fails…because the COL1 value of 4500 would result in Partition P5 being used – but this was created after the subpartition template was changed to only have subpartitions for values 1 and 2 – the value of 3 for COL2 does not have a “home” to go to, so the statement fails.

This is interesting because it means that Oracle allows us to have Partitions setup with different subpartition layouts under them depending on what the template was at the time of partition creation.

When I first thought about this I figured it wasn’t possible/correct to do this and that the subpartitions had to be uniform across the partitions, but when you think about that, it would make life difficult to change the template – what should Oracle do with the “missing” or “extra” or “modified”
subpartitions in the pre-existing partitions? Create/drop/modify them? Ignore them? If it tried to create missing ones there would be all sorts of questions like which tablespace to use and what storage characteristics to set.

As the documentation says, it leaves what exists already as is and just uses the new template for partitions created in the future…which brings me to another point…that piece of code I put up on this post needed updating because I didn’t know about this subpartition template issue…now the code will check to ensure that if we are exchanging a partitioned table for a partition of a composite partitioned table that we need to ensure the source table is partitioned in the same way
(LIST/HASH) as the subpartitioning on the target partition and that there are the same number of partitions in the source table and the target table partition – if not the process fails…like this:

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> ALTER TABLE j4134_test1 EXCHANGE PARTITION p1 WITH TABLE j4134_test2
2  /

Table altered.

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> REM Now put it back...
ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> ALTER TABLE j4134_test1 EXCHANGE PARTITION p1 WITH TABLE j4134_test2
2  /

Table altered.

ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> REM now try with the mismatched one - fails!
ae_aml[522/313]@AED52> ALTER TABLE j4134_test1 EXCHANGE PARTITION p5 WITH TABLE j4134_test2
2  /
                                                       * ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14294: Number of partitions does not match number of subpartitions

I’ve updated the code to check for this scenario and it now reports it.

Using AWR to summarise SQL operations activity

I was asked recently how much “use” a database had – a non too specific question but basically the person asking it wanted to know how many queries, DMLs, DDLs etc.. were run against the database on a daily basis…kind of like the queries per hour metrics that are sometimes quoted on TPC benchmarks I guess.

I didn’t have an answer as to where to get this information so I figured it warranted a ramble through the AWR tables to try and come up with something…

This isn’t going to be a description of how the AWR works – there are manuals for that. Instead, I’ll just give you the salient points from my exploration.

The AWR data, including it’s history, is accessible by looking at a collection of DBA Views named DBA_HIST%.

Part of the AWR processing captures Active Session History (ASH) data which is then accessible via the DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY view. From this view we can obtain, for any given snap point in time, the sessions which were active, together with details of what they were doing and the statistics relating to the performance of that activity.

On this view is a column called SQL_OPCODE which tells us the type of SQL operation being performed by the session, with various codes indicating different things. I didn’t manage to find a definitive list of these SQL_OPCODES in a table/view anywhere so, by trial and error I worked them out as follows:

SQL_OPCODE    SQL Operation
1             DDL
2             INSERT
3             Query
6             UPDATE
7             DELETE
47            PL/SQL package call
50            Explain Plan
189           MERGE

…I’m sure this isn’t definitive…someone really smart out there will probably know where this list is actually stored and will, perhaps, put it on a comment to this post 😉

OK, now to code up something that goes back over this AWR data for the last, say seven days, and group it up by SQL operation so we can see what our activity has been – I used a ROW_NUMBER analytic (cos they rock) to make sure we only get the latest snapshot row from the AWR table – if a SQL operation is running for a long time then it may appear in the AWR view more than once…and we don’t want to double count it as far as executions go.

I’ve grouped up those sessions which don’t have an active SQL statement associated with them (i.e. SQL_ID is NULL) into groups based on their Object Type and I’ve then used ROLLUP to get the results for each SQL operation by day and also the summed up totals by operation across the seven days and a grand total.

I’m not actually sure why some rows in DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY don’t have a SQL_ID against them – if they were not actually running a statement in the session then that sounds fair enough…but some of them had values in PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID indicating (I think) that they were running a specific package (DBMS_STATS or DBMS_SPACE in many cases) so the fact they didn’t have a SQL_ID was confusing to me – perhaps it means they’re in that package but not actually running a query at the time of the snap – either way, they’re grouped up separately.

Here is a SQL*Plus spool of the code and results from a test system:

x_j4134[543/9757]@AED52> l
1 WITH ash AS
2 (
3 SELECT TRUNC(ash.sample_time) sample_day
4 , (CASE WHEN ash.sql_opcode = 47
6 WHEN ash.sql_opcode IN(1)
8 WHEN ash.sql_opcode IN(2,6,7,189)
10 WHEN ash.sql_opcode IN(50)
11 THEN ‘Explain Plan’
12 WHEN ash.sql_opcode IN(3)
13 THEN ‘Query’
14 ELSE ‘No Statement ID; In object type: ‘NVL(o.object_type,’Not Specified’)
15 END) statement_type
16 , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ash.sql_id,ash.sql_child_number ORDER BY ash.sample_time DESC) rn
17 FROM dba_hist_snapshot s
18 , dba_hist_active_sess_history ash
19 , dba_objects o
20 WHERE s.snap_id = ash.snap_id(+)
21 AND s.dbid = ash.dbid(+)
22 AND s.instance_number = ash.instance_number(+)
23 AND ash.plsql_entry_object_id = o.object_id(+)
24 AND TRUNC(ash.sample_time) BETWEEN TRUNC(SYSDATE-6) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE+1) — all within last 7 days
25 )
26 SELECT sample_day
27 , statement_type
28 , COUNT(1)
29 FROM ash
30 WHERE rn = 1
31 GROUP BY ROLLUP(sample_day)
32 , ROLLUP(statement_type)
33 ORDER BY sample_day
34* , statement_type
x_j4134[543/9757]@AED52> /

——————– —————————————————- ———-
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 112
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 49
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 292
Now there is good news is that cialis 40 mg impotency caused by cycling is chiefly temporary. This is why these capsules are stated wholesale cialis price as safe diabetes supplements. This medicine starts working within generic cialis viagra half an hour to exhibit its consequences; if the man is sexually elicited. And, tadalafil 5mg no prescription as I have already commented, Voice Broadcasting is one sure fire way of bringing a voice and a face to the relationship. 02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 7
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 131
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 301
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 181
02-FEB-2007 00:00:00 1073
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 20
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 26
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 91
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 2
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 84
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 166
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 12
03-FEB-2007 00:00:00 401
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 127
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 14
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 410
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 305
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 306
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 14
04-FEB-2007 00:00:00 1176
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 115
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 81
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Explain Plan 1
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 261
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 16
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 161
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 315
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 360
05-FEB-2007 00:00:00 1310
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 98
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 86
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Explain Plan 2
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 212
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 16
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 108
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 299
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 439
06-FEB-2007 00:00:00 1260
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 98
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 162
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Explain Plan 1
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 210
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 24
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 96
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 337
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 348
07-FEB-2007 00:00:00 1276
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DDL 112
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 DML 420
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Explain Plan 1
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 311
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 25
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 119
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 PL/SQL 572
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 Query 493
08-FEB-2007 00:00:00 2053
DDL 682
DML 838
Explain Plan 5
No Statement ID; In object type: Not Specified 1787
No Statement ID; In object type: PACKAGE 90
No Statement ID; In object type: PROCEDURE 1004
PL/SQL 2296
Query 1847

68 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:09:49.44

It was just an idea…if anyone has anything to add/improve it feel free to comment.

Good to be back in the 21st Century…and identifying PEL mismatches

Well, I can honestly say, that moving house over the last few months has been an experience I don’t wish to repeat for a good few years – if not decades! I’ve only just got my broadband enabled for the new place – hence my first post in ages – and that was a miracle given the state of what they very loosely call “customer service” at BT.

A few things I’ve learned in the process of moving house:

  • Never choose BT to assist you with any communications infrastructure
  • – phone line, VOIP, Broadband etc…the list of problems I’ve encountered whilst getting the simple task of telephone line and broadband installed has been literally staggering.
  • Never move in with your in laws when you are “between houses”…unless they are a nice bunch of people in which case for a short period of time (we spent 5 weeks there) it can be quite workable, even if there were some opinions at polar extremes to negotiate around at times – how exactly do you get a pro hunting person and a vegetarian to live happily under one roof?! Thankfully the Christmas spirit got us all through it and we’re happily esconced in or new place.
  • Don’t even think about using BT to get a phone line installed – it will take at least 3 weeks and they will probably lose your order at least twice.
  • Never trust Estate Agents – ours misinformed us about one particular aspect of our purchase and very nearly stopped it happening because of it – miscommunication is a highly dangerous thing.
  • Never ask BT to install your broadband – I won’t go into massive details but basically they lost my first order and then handled my second one in an inept, dismissive and unprofessional manner…and believe me, if you’ve ever tried to use their IVR system to get through to the right person you’ll understand just how frustrating it can be to be passed from pillar to post, explain your situation for five minutes only to be told that you have been talking to the wrong department (Exactly how I managed to get through to a Residential Sales person when I called a Business Sales line is quite beyond me!)
  • Take more care when you pack stuff away…otherwise you’ll end up turning the new house upside down looking for things you can’t find only to find they are tucked away in an incorrectly marked box…it would have helped if we’d been more involved with the packing people from the removals company in hindsight.

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Now, I’m not going to just post a social thing as I quite understand the points being made recently on other blogs about “Sorry I’ve not posted in ages but…”, so I thought I’d say something about problems when you’re partition exchange loading. I built this routine a while back to help diagnose why we were unable to exchange partitions during a Partition Exchange Load process – it doesn’t check every scenario but does cover a number of common ones such as:

  • IOT’s with different overflow characteristics can’t be exchanged
  • Hakan factors must be the same
  • Columns must be the same – in my view, that includes column names – this script will find issues like this one – even though it won’t actually stop the PEL.
  • Constraints must be the same
  • Indexes must be the same – at least if they do if you are INCLUDING INDEXES in the PEL operation.

I’m sure it’s not perfect but if anyone spots any issues with it then feel free to let me know and I’ll check and fix the code.

We’ve found it quite useful – your mileage, as they say, may vary.

There are a number of links on this blog site that were pointing at my old web hosting site ( – that’s dead now – I made the mistake of cancelling that and moving to BT – I mentioned that right? Anyway, I’ve fixed some of the posts and the presentation links – I’ll fix anything else as I come across it.