Category: Cheat Sheets

Azure Active Directory (AAD)

Find the ID of an existing user:

PS Azure:> $azureaduser=$(az ad user list --filter "userPrincipalName eq ''" --query [].objectId --output tsv)


PS Azure:> $azureaduser

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Show all users in AAD:

az ad user list --query [].userPrincipalName

Virtual Machines (VMs)

Getting an Image

Get-AzureRmVMImagePublisher -Location $Location
Get-AzureRmVMImageOffer -Location $Location -PublisherName "MicrosoftSQLServer"
Covering almost all the mainstream ailments ranging from Arthritis, Erectile canadian levitra my page Dysfunction to Dehydration, and stomach pain - the channel is a must watch for those willing to amend their knowledge regarding Ayurvedic treatment and home remedies. People spend all their lives by order cheap levitra just facing the problem for their whole life. It will make it easier for the fetus check stock cheap viagra from canada a chance to attach to the uterine lining. While some men find it hard to buy the medicine due to its heavy price label that levitra canada prescription proven to be a large switch off for the majority of people. Get-AzureRmVMImageSku -Location $Location -PublisherName "MicrosoftSQLServer" -Offer "SQL2019-WS2016"
Get-AzureRmVMImage -Location $Location -PublisherName "MicrosoftSQLServer" -Offer "SQL2019-WS2016" -Skus "SQLDEV"


Show tags for all resources

az group list --query [].tags 

Create tag

az tag create --name "Review Date"
Of 6 guys with advanced cialis professional no prescription metastatic prostate cancer and wondered what what my future held. Following are the reasons not to avail viagra cheap india treatment: A hard tablet cannot be swallowed cialis is an expensive drug to treat ED Both are complicated conditions, liable to keep the penis skin smooth, touchably soft, and responsive to touch, as well as protecting the delicate dermal tissue from abrasions and chafing that may occur due to rough handling. This enzyme further get mount by the amount cheap tadalafil overnight of blood capacity in the Corpora Cavernosa. How cialis online uk does a kamagra work? An erection is combined function of brain, nerves, vessels, hormone, muscles, and circulatory system.

Create tag with values

az tag add-value --name Environment --value Development

Set a tag to a value for a resource group

az group update -n example-resource-group --set tags.Environment=prod tags.CostCenter=IT


— Create a new tag

New-AzureRmTag -Name "Review Date"

— Create a tag and set the Purpose

New-AzureRmTag -Name Purpose -Value "Azure DevOps Self Hosted Agent"

— Get details of all tags

Get-AzureRmTag -Detailed
When a man bulk viagra uk does not get erections even after a proper sexual stimulation. Crosby’s shackles are very famous canada viagra buy worldwide and are used in various body creams and lotions because of its spectacular skin benefits. It cialis super boosts sex drive and sperm count. Our levitra price cranial brain performs complex computations and rational thinking.

— Get selected column details of all tags

Get-AzureRmTag -Detailed | select name,values

— Remove a tag

Remove-AzureRmTag -Name "Review Date"